Jay Owen is a longtime member of the GFTH Board of Directors and is currently our Vice President. He also has been recently recognized for providing generous pro bono legal services for members of the DC-area homeless community. Here’s what Jay has to say about why he supports GFTH:
“When I think about my first involvement with GFTH, my thoughts inevitably turn to my sister in East Tennessee. It is an odd thought, but the two are intertwined in my mind because she was injured in a car accident right around the time I first volunteered with GFTH, and the time I took off to be with her caused me to drop several GFTH projects that were, fortunately, picked up by others. But, even more than being grateful that GFTH gave me a second chance, thinking about that time reminds me why GFTH is so important. When Caroline was in her accident, we had dozens of people come by and help out in every imaginable way- the support structure was incredible and there is no way my family could have functioned without it. It reminded me of how fortunate I am to have people like that around me, and how hard it must be for folks who do not have a similar support structure. Every time I think about GFTH, and especially if I am feeling put upon because I had to spend an hour or two doing something, I try to remember how much I appreciated small gestures in my time of need. Doing so reminds me that we are all dependent on others in our lives and that I should be grateful for the opportunity to repay a small portion of the kindness and blessings I have received in my life.”